Allow Me To Bust Your Bubble

The Prosperity Gospel This week’s topic is just that; the prosperity gospel. In my opinion, this is one of the most obvious oxymorons ever spoken or written, for that matter. These two words do not belong together. The word prosperity is defined at as, “a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; […]

The Prosperity Gospel and The Word

The topic for this week is the prosperity gospel, also known as the “health and wealth gospel,” the “name it and claim it gospel” and the “word of faith gospel.” There are no specific questions for us to answer this week. We are simply to examine the prosperity movement in the light of Scripture. We […]

Mental Illness and Suicide

Mental illness/Suicide: Is there a place for the church in the lives of those with mental illness? What should the role of the church be, if any? How should the church look at suicide and those with suicidal tendencies? There is a popular belief that suicide is an unpardonable sin and those that commit it […]

Suicide and the Bible

Before I get into this week’s topic, I want to encourage you to subscribe to this site and tell others about the site. You may give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to work within a person’s heart to bring them to Christ. We would also love to get your comments and questions. We are preparing […]

Don’s Take on Dealing with Doubt

The topic for this week is doubt. We are going to be looking at two questions. First, how should the church and individual believers deal with doubt? Second, some believers express doubt constantly because they feel like God cannot forgive their sins, but is doubt normal and should we share it with others or keep […]

Pat’s Take on Addiction

This week’s topic hits pretty close to home, so close in fact, that I personally have struggled with addiction and in some ways still do…I know what it is like to be controlled by something other than myself, the physical sickness that accompanies addiction, the mental anguish of not being able to let go of that which controls you no matter how hard you try. I have cried for myself, watched as my wife has pleaded and cried. I have heard the reasoning of my family and loved ones as they tried to explain the harm I was doing to, not only myself, but to my own environment. Yet, I was a slave to my addiction, it had defeated me so many times before that I didn’t think freedom from it was possible. Yet, trust me when I say this, freedom is possible and for that we will need to go to the Bible….