The Misunderstood Unpardonable Sin

In this week’s post we are to explain the unpardonable sin found in Matthew 12:31-32. Our men’s Bible study group has been studying Matthew 12 for the last few weeks and I am not sure everyone understands Jesus’ teaching on the unpardonable sin. The numerous questions in our small group led me to recommend the […]

Pleasing God

What does it take to please God? The Bible tells us how we can please God and the answer to this question is not hard to find. We as human beings have the idea that God is too demanding; that what He requires of us is beyond our ability. The secular world views Christianity as […]

Pleasing God

One of the things I remember from my youth was how I felt when my parents told me they were pleased with me. I felt proud and loved when I was given confirmation that they were pleased with what I had done or was doing. Is it odd that we associate someone we care about being pleased with us, with love? I don’t think it is odd at all.

A Loving God and Hell.

This week’s blog is a two-part question. Is Hell real and would a loving God allow someone to suffer there? The easy answer is Yes to both parts of the question. Understandably, this is not the popular answer in our secular society, and not even an answer the Christian community likes to deal with. Yet, […]


This week the topic is baptism. That’s it, just baptism. There are so many questions that can be asked and answered about this topic, so I thought I would approach it from several angles. What is Baptism? The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary defines Baptism this way; “BAPTISM The Christian rite of initiation practiced by almost […]

Baptism Does Not Mean You Are Saved

This week’s topic is baptism and whether the act of baptism results in salvation for the person being baptized. Jesus commanded Christians, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you…”[1] […]