Allow Me To Bust Your Bubble

The Prosperity Gospel This week’s topic is just that; the prosperity gospel. In my opinion, this is one of the most obvious oxymorons ever spoken or written, for that matter. These two words do not belong together. The word prosperity is defined at as, “a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; […]

Mental Illness and Suicide

Mental illness/Suicide: Is there a place for the church in the lives of those with mental illness? What should the role of the church be, if any? How should the church look at suicide and those with suicidal tendencies? There is a popular belief that suicide is an unpardonable sin and those that commit it […]

James’ Take on Addiction

As individual believers, I think believers should deal with those with addictions just like we would deal with any other brother or sister in the church. We do not bring judgement, we bring love. We offer a helping hand but take care not to become an enabler. We give of our time, but we manage that time wisely. In many cases, the addict, just like all of us, just needs to feel like we belong. Addiction is real, but those who suffer, or who have suffered, should not be exiled to Patmos. No, Jesus says we are to come to Him. This translates to me as the church….