About Us

We are just three Christian friends with a desire to discuss the issues of the day from a Christian worldview from three different perspectives. These perspectives are dictated by our vocations, our home influences, and where we are personally with our walk with God.  The discussion should never be meant to cause division, anger, or hurt to anyone or any denomination.

What We Are Doing Here

We have a desire to start the conversation about hot topics and keep that conversation going. Our purpose for writing this blog is to do just that. We hope that everyone who reads our posts would take part in the conversation by commenting on our posts. We want to hear your take on these issues. We ask that everyone who takes part in the conversation is respectful of other people’s opinions and that we use this as a platform to build up believers not tear them down.

Click the links below to learn more about us.

What Fuels Our Fire

As you read our bios, you will see that we all have different life experiences that effect how we view the topics we discuss here. While we are all very different, there is one thing we have in common. That is the gospel. Despite differing view points on some topics, we are all unified in Christ Jesus. What does that mean you ask?

Through varying circumstances, we have all come to receive saving grace through Jesus. We were all separated from God because of our sin, all of humanity is born into sin. Romans 6:23 says, “the wages of sin is death”. That does not simply mean a physical death, but a spiritual one too. That means that in our sin we are separated from God because He is a holy God who cannot be in the presence of sin. God, our Creator, is separated from his creation that he loves because of this sin. He wants us to be reconciled to him, to be able to be brought into his presence so that we can have a relationship with Him. You see, our God is not an unknown God or a God that can only be known by a select group of clergymen. He makes himself known to anyone who will believe in Him.

In order for us to be able to have a relationship with Him, God had to make a way for us to be in His presence. He could not simply forgive us of our sin with no payment for that sin because, along with being a holy God, he is also a perfectly just God. This means that, by his nature, he cannot just forgive and forget our sin. In sinning, we have broken God’s law, therefore a payment for our transgressions is necessary. In the Old Testament, God gave his people the sacrificial system in which they would sacrifice a pure animal to atone for their sin. This was only a temporary fix that they had to repeat regularly. The New Testament brings a permanent solution to our sin problem.

The first four books of the New Testament tell the story of the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus (who was fully God and fully man) lived a perfectly sin-free life which made him the only person who ever lived to be a suitable payment for our sin. God sent him to die a death he did not deserve so that he could pay our debt that we could never pay. Jesus died, taking on the sin of all of mankind. This is not the end of the story, though.

Three days after Jesus was killed, he defeated death and was raised to life again. In doing this he completed the payment that was required for our transgressions. This payment extended salvation to everyone. There is nothing any one of us did to deserve it. It is a free gift given by our God and Father. Now, anyone can come to know him by putting faith in Jesus Christ and the sacrifice made.

If this is not something you have ever heard before or if you have not put your faith in Christ, we encourage you to do so. This does not promise an easy life, but it promises a life in which there is hope and rest unknown by anyone who does not know Jesus as their Savior. If you would like to take the next step in putting your faith in Christ but don’t know how, use the form below to contact us and we would be glad to help you work through it!

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